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Amaranthus viridis L. (Amaranthaceae) – a new invasive species for the flora of Uzbekistan

Amaranthus viridis L. (Amaranthaceae) – a new invasive species for the flora of Uzbekistan

  • Author: Esanov H.
  • Language: ingliz tilida
  • Writing: ingliz yozuvida
  • Publisher: Bukhara
  • Year: 2017
  • Views: 170
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Abstract: As a result of current research carried out in the Bukhara Oasis of Uzbekistan it was  found that the flora of the oasis comprises 59 families, 528 species in 294 genera. The existence of  a new invasive species Amaranthus viridis L. was noted for the first time. In the oasis the content of  A. viridis L. populations was studied and a map of its current distribution is presented.