English For Ecology.
- Author: Khalilova Olima Axatovna.
- Language: ingliz tilida
- Writing: ingliz yozuvida
- Publisher: Intellekt
- Year: 2024
- Views: 140
This methodical manual on English is developed for the first-year students о Geology and Mining faculty in specialty of 60710400 - "Ecology and Environments protection’. It consists of fifteen lessons which are based on the Curriculum of th> subject Futhermore, current manual is aimed at teaching English for Ecology to th> students that ts crucial for their future career. For this purpose, the manual contain lots of specialized texts on each lesson, active vocabulary in business sphere and ful of intriguing listening and reading tasks. The main purpose of this manual is t> enchancc student's Ecology and Environmental Protection studies to improve thei language skills by learning on their major In education.