The Graphics Composition

- Author: Кalanov Аsliddin
- Language: ingliz tilida
- Writing: ingliz yozuvida
- Publisher: Tafakkur
- Year: 2017
- Views: 232
This tutorial is written in accordance with the third year undergraduate program for artistic direction
of higher education institutions for «Easel and book graphics» faculty on the discipline «Graphics
Since, the general principles of composition have been described in detail in the tutorials for the lower
stage students we did not expand on them much.
«The composition of graphics» is one of the most important disciplines in the visual arts. And as the
third year students are on the threshold of the development of graphic artist specialty, then in
particular with the help of this manual the artists to be will disclose their creative potential by
performing practical assignments.
The book gives specific information about the techniques used in graphics, the external and internal
elements of the book, working on them, as well as creating the complete easel graphics composition
in a certain printmaking technique.
The tutorial is recommended for students and teachers of specialized higher and secondary special
educational establishments.