- Author: Jaan Kalda
- Language: ingliz tilida
- Writing: ingliz yozuvida
- Publisher:
- Year: 2019
- Views: 262
This booklet is a sequel to a similar collection of problems on
kinematics and has two main parts: Section 3 — Statics and
Section 4 — Dynamics; Section 5 contains revision problems.
The main aim of this collection of problems is to present the
most important solving ideas; using these, one can solve most
(> 95%) of olympiad problems on mechanics. Usually a problem is stated first, and is followed by some relevant ideas and
suggestions (letter ‘K’ in front of the number of an idea refers
to the correspondingly numbered idea in the kinematics booklet; cross-linking works if the kinematics booklet is stored in
the same folder as the mechanics one).