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Two alien species of Asteraceae new to Uzbekistan (Bukhara oasis)

Two alien species of Asteraceae new to Uzbekistan (Bukhara oasis)

  • Author: H. K. Esanov, M. X. Usmonov
  • Language: ingliz tilida
  • Writing: ingliz yozuvida
  • Publisher: Bukhara,
  • Year: 2017
  • Views: 181
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Asteraceae is one of the most diverse plant families in Central Asia, and in Uzbekistan in particular.
In Uzbekistan, there are 598 species of Asteraceae which comprise 15 % of the flora of the country. Seventy species
of the family have been recorded from the Bukhara oasis in the south-western part of Uzbekistan, which makes it the
greatest family by the number of species. Two alien species of Asteraceae were found as new to Uzbekistan. Erigeron
bonariensis L., which has been presumably recently introduced, was observed with a limited number of populations,
whereas Symphyotrichum graminifolium (Spreng.) G. L. Nesom is considered expanding invasive species. The present
condition and distribution patterns of these species in the Bukhara oasis of Uzbekistan are described.