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The Hundred Years' War on Palestine

The Hundred Years' War on Palestine

  • Author: R.Khalili
  • Language: ingliz tilida
  • Writing: ingliz yozuvida
  • Publisher: New-York
  • Year: 2022
  • Views: 274
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For a few years during the early 1990s, I lived in Jerusalem for several months at a time, doing research in the private libraries of some of the city’s oldest families, including my own. With my wife and children, I stayed in an apartment belonging to a Khalidi family waqf , or religious endowment, in the heart of the cramped, noisy Old City. From the roof of this building, there was a view of two of the greatest masterpieces of early Islamic architecture: The shining golden Dome of the Rock was just over three hundred feet away on the Haram al-Sharif. Beyond it lay the smaller silver-gray cupola of the al-Aqsa Mosque, with the Mount of Olives in the background.1 In other directions one could see the Old City’s churches and synagogues.