Zooarchaeology and Field Ecology A Photographic Atlas

- Author: Frank E. Bayham
- Language: ingliz tilida
- Writing: ingliz yozuvida
- Publisher: The University of UTAH Press
- Year: 2022
- Views: 317
On a cold spring morning in 1986, I hiked up a volcanic, boulder- strewn ridge to get a view of Eagle Lake and the surrounding mountains and valleys. It was my introductory visit to the Eagle Lake Field Station of Chico State University in northeastern California, and I sat quietly absorbing the beauty. I was captivated by the majesty of the setting and the diversity of the environment. A small herd of deer crept out of a mountain mahogany grove in the distance and tentatively approached the water’s edge. As I watched them for a good half hour, a vision and resolve developed to find a way to teach zooarchaeology in this isolated, world- class field setting.