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Innovative in teaching physical culture Pedagogical technologies

Innovative in teaching physical culture Pedagogical technologies

  • Author: G.XOLBOYEVA
  • Language: ingliz tilida
  • Writing: ingliz yozuvida
  • Publisher: SAMARQAND
  • Year: 2022
  • Views: 243
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The flow of pedagogical technology recognized by UNESCO appeared in the USA in the 1930s and spread to all developed countries in the 1970s and 1980s.
In the theory and practice of education, the first attempts were made in the 50s to give the educational process a technological character. They express themselves in the creation of complex technical tools designed for traditional teaching.
Currently, «pedagogical technology is not considered as technical means of education or research in the field of computer use, but through the analysis of factors that increase educational efficiency, the creation and application of methods and materials, as well as the evaluation of the methods used. is a study aimed at determining the principles of the educational process and developing the most optimal ways» (Mejdunarodnyi yezhegodnik po tekhnologii obrazovaniya i obucheniya, 1978/79. London, New York, 1978).
It can be observed that new methods and tools are being rapidly implemented in pedagogical practice. However, instead of some educational forms and active methods, integral educational technologies are necessary. However, technological design and planning of the educational process can be performed only by a teacher who has technological knowledge, skills and qualifications.
The system of technological knowledge consists of the following organizations:  a conceptual part - a way to learn more complex categories and rules of technology;  a component of educational technology and a moving structure - an understanding of the basis for predicting and designing the educational process;  conceptual foundations of educational technologies - any educational technology is based on the pedagogical idea expressed in the achievements of pedagogical and psychological sciences;  goal setting - the educational process can be designed if the pedagogical tasks are defined and the final results of the educational activity are unambiguously expressed, if the starting conditions are known;  educational model - a set of acceptable ways (methods and forms) and tools - a guarantee of achieving the expected results in terms of changing the initial state of the object in the existing conditions and at the specified time;  a set of ways and means of management - prediction, design, planning, organization, control and evaluation, as well as continuous and regular monitoring of the educational process in order to receive a management conclusion on rapid change - monitoring.
Each way and means should be evaluated by the teacher-technologist in terms of its visible contribution to the achievement of the final result he is striving for. While interpreting the acceptability of the rule, it is necessary to pay attention not only to it, but also to the situation or conditions that imply its application. The fact is that the rules are usually not formulaic, but have a managerial character, as long as there are certain uncertainties in the conditions of the educational process in which they can be applied. In addition, errors in generalizations are widespread in the teacher-practitioner who previously used this thing in an educational situation and achieved success, or the author of a well-known teaching technology. The essence is that it is possible to design a single set of educational technology that is suitable for these conditions from all the different areas, which will guarantee the achievement of the intended result in the given time and in the curriculum. , it is important to be able to evaluate, distinguish and choose such ways and means of information, communication and management. 2. Famous marketer Dj. One can agree with O'Shaughnessy's opinion that «... books can never replace experience .» A skilled cook can write a book on cooking, follow the way to prepare it and do not expect it to turn out the same, because it cannot be compared to his skill - it is impossible to acquire important skills and competences using the given rule , they are acquired
only through practice and are reinforced by the so-called «applied wisdom», that is, situational wisdom» (DJ. O'Shaughnessy, 2000).
Don't be dismayed as soon as you read this guide, you won't be able to design learning technology right away. Remember that applied wisdom comes from doing real work, not from learning formulas from a book (Dj. O'Shaughnessy, 2000). 3. «From the voluntary construction and implementation of the educational process, each of its parts and stages is focused on a consistent and accurate diagnosis of the final result» a basis is necessary for transition to (V. Bespalko, 1989).
If you do not understand the importance of the transition to the technology of the educational process, then «let's not give the achievements of new technologies, they cannot eliminate the mechanism of regularity that has arisen, otherwise forced technologies can increase harmful results.» 4. Finally, the design of personalized teaching technology and the application of existing teaching technology «must work with the direction of facing the teacher, the culture of the situation, as well as the personal or student characteristics» (E.S. Polat, 2000).
This UUM is intended for a bachelor's degree in physical culture education.