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  • Author: B.T.HAYDAROV
  • Language: ingliz tilida
  • Writing: ingliz yozuvida
  • Publisher: SAMARQAND
  • Year: 2022
  • Views: 252
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Nowadays, one of the most important issues facing education is the teaching 
of physical culture and sports using educational literature and advanced pedagogical 
technologies that meet world standards. This master's course: 70112201 - Theory 
and methodology of physical training and sports training is intended for the master's 
specialty course, it teaches students about the theory of adaptive physical training 
and the basics of its organization, professional activity comprehensive 
understanding, methodical approaches, ensuring mastery of the general laws of this 
type of social practice, covers the issues of use within its scope of knowledge.
Forming students' desire for independence and creativity in the educational 
process, introducing them to scientific research, ensuring the development of their 
experiences in creative activities;
To create conditions for students to learn the experience of emotionally 
valuable attitude to professional activity in the future, to provide them with 
comprehensive health care for the disabled in the future, to ensure their social 
integration in health and to improve the quality of life.
goal of teaching science is to provide future personnel with comprehensive 
and deep professional knowledge on the theory and methodology of physical culture. 
It envisages equipping with professional knowledge, skills and competences in 
physical culture, which are of professional and practical importance in future work 
activities, as well as the ability to use new pedagogical technologies.
task of the subject is to train future physical culture teachers in educational 
institutions, preschools, comprehensive schools, academic lyceums, and vocational 
colleges in adaptive physical culture exercises, general and special exercises. use 
and help to learn the formation of knowledge such as organizing and holding sports 
competitions, sports holidays and organizing extracurricular clubs.
Learning object. This science program master's course: 70112201 - Theory 
and methodology of physical education and sports training is intended for the 
master's specialty course, the object of which is to teach students the theory of 
adaptive physical education and the basics, methods and lessons of its organization 
is a process.