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  • Author: G.XOLBOYEVA
  • Language: ingliz tilida
  • Writing: ingliz yozuvida
  • Publisher: SAMARQAND
  • Year: 2022
  • Views: 277
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Further improvement of the pre-school education system, strengthening of the 
material and technical base, expansion of the network of pre-school educational 
institutions, provision of qualified pedagogic personnel, radical improvement of the 
level of preparation of children for school education, modern approach to the 
educational process PQ-2707 "On measures to further improve the preschool 
education system in 2017-2021" in order to implement educational programs and 
technologies, and create conditions for all-round intellectual, moral, aesthetic and 
physical development of children. - decision No. 29.12.2016), Decision No. PQ3276 (15.09.2017) on "Measures for the further development of non-state 
educational services", "Preschool education system Resolution No. PQ-3261 
(09.09.2017) "On Fundamental Improvement Measures", PQ-3305 "On 
Organization of Activities of the Ministry of Pre-School Education of the Republic 
of Uzbekistan" Decision No. (30. 09.2017), Decree No. PF-5198 (30.09.2017) "On 
measures to radically improve the management of the preschool education system", 
the concept of the development of mass sports in physical education and 5 An 
important initiative was taken.
From the first days when Uzbekistan gained its independence , great attention 
has been paid to the development of physical education and sports, promotion of a 
healthy lifestyle . Education of a perfect young generation was defined as one of the 
priorities of the state policy . A modern continuous education system has been 
formed in our republic. The foundation of this education system is pre-school 
education. The main goal of educating preschool children is to educate the young 
generation as a physically healthy, mentally mature, intellectually rich person and to 
prepare them for school education. it is very important to acquire theoretical and 
methodical knowledge for education. The system of physical education in preschool educational institutions is organized by the daily schedule, physical education 
classes, training, cultural-hygienic skills, morning physical education. Young 
educators learn the subject "Methodology of physical education in preschool 
education". Theoretical aspects of the science of physical education methodology in 
preschool education are explained in the collection. Primary information necessary 
for mastering the physical education methodology in pre-school education is 