- Language: ingliz tilida
- Writing: ingliz yozuvida
- Publisher: Toshkent
- Year: 2017
- Views: 340
Look at the words for describing ctothes in the box. Hake
a list ofthe clothes you can see in the pictures, adding one
adjective to each.
a oiripl top, a ohinl coat,
5) r.or Listen to a fashion show commentary. which
of the outfits in exercise 1is described? How many other
outfits are also described?
$) r.or Complete the phrases from the commentary using
words from the box. Then listen again and check.
1 an attractive -, brown - iacket
2 a-.,-T-shirt
3 casuat, black leans
4 a -, grey, - iacket
5 alarge,-scarf
6 a -, dark, - coat.
What order are the adiectives in the phrases in exercise 4 in?
Complete the rule in the Learn fhlsl box with colour, moteriol
and shape.
When we have more than one adjective before a noun,
fr 3 ,iffr*V usually come in this order: 1 opinion, 2 size or '
3 textur€, a pattern or-, t
-+ noun
l. Grammar Builder 1.1: Order of adiectives: p. 108
Use these phrases when you cannot describe someone's
clothes exactly:
it's a kind of / it's a bit like a / it looklike a + noun
it looks / it's sort of + adjective
She's weoring a kind of scarf. Her hat is sort of brown.
Describe the outfits in exercise 1. Use phrases
from the speaking tip above.
She's wearing elegant, baggy, long trousers. She's atso
wearing a kind of...
can describe
lla Voeahulary Builder 1.2: Compound adiectives: p. 128