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Task 1 IELTS Writing

Task 1 IELTS Writing

  • Author: Academic Training Module by Adam Smith
  • Language: ingliz tilida
  • Writing: Lotin yozuvida
  • Publisher: Toshkent
  • Year: 2006
  • Views: 356
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writing tasks.
Task 1
x You have about 20 minutes
x You must write a report of at least 150 words
x You are given a visual presentation which can be in form of a graph, diagram, bar
chart, table, map or a process. You must write a report explaining the main features
of the figure and make comparisons where relevant. You must not include any
personal opinion while you are explaining the figure. You just need to describe and
report what you are given.
How to use your 20 minutes
You have 20 minutes for task 1, so try spending 5 minutes on each paragraph. This might
help you to organise your time better.
First 5 minutes
Read the question, make sure you understand the chart, write your
introduction by paraphrasing the question.
Second 5 minutes
Look at the chart and try to find 2 general points. Don't look at specific details;
look for "the big picture". Write 2 sentences summarising the information.
Final 10 minutes
Describe specific details. Try to break this part into 2 paragraphs because it
looks better. You could spend 5 minutes on each paragraph