166 Spitamen shah street, Samarkand city

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Eleven Minutes

Eleven Minutes

  • Author: robert hill
  • Language: ingliz tilida
  • Writing: ingliz yozuvida
  • Publisher: USA
  • Year: 2022
  • Views: 367
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leven Minutes Coelho, Paulo
For I am the first and the last
I am the venerated and the despised
I am the prostitute and the saint
I am the wife and the virgin I am the mother and the daughter
I am the arms of my mother
I am barren and my children are many
I am the married woman and the spinster
I am the woman who gives birth and she
who never procreated I am the consolation for the pain of birth
I am the wife and the husband
And it was my man who created me
I am the mother of my father
I am the sister of my husband
And he is my rejected son
Always respect me For I am th