Common mistakes

- Author: cembridge
- Language: ingliz tilida
- Writing: Lotin yozuvida
- Publisher: Toshkent
- Year: 2003
- Views: 323
of islands called (7). is ranked fifth in (8) (9) .
and (l0) are ranked third and fourth. Both have almost
(Il) number of users, with over 75,500 people per 100,000 accessing
(12) .
1 Underline the correct word or phrase in the following sentences.
1 The garbage is / are collected every Tuesday.
2 Advertising in the school newsletter is / are a waste of time.
3 A lot of food in restaurants is / are thrown away every day.
4 Many idea / ideas for new products never reach the manufacturing stage.
5 My sister gave me lots of advice / advices that was / were very useful.
6 Over three hundred student / students signed the petition for a new study area.
7 There are a lot of similarity / similarities between your country and mine.
8 There is / are more women on my course than men.
2 Fill in the gaps using one of t